Disney World

Disney World

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Check in

So we stayed at the pop century, and at 5ish we got here. There were like 70 people in line ahead of us probably here since 2am which is crazy. I didn't care too much since I wanted to live in vista. They let us into the inner line at 7 and started processing at 7 30 so now I'm here dreading having to do the whole process at casting again and not having my last few hours with my boyfriend.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Only a few more days

Only. Few more days til my second program and I'm nowhere as excited this time :( I'm not lying I'm going to majorly miss my boyfriend but hopefully after I get back all my worries will be calmed down. We're planning on going to the Star Wars exhibit on Monday at the Orlando science museum and I have to say I'm really excited for that! I love museums at this exhibit looks Sooo cool. But for now I'm still packing and procrastinating... Painting dice bags for my Pokemon league has definitely helped me de-stress! If youd like I'm selling things in my little blog shop: thecustommoon.blogspot.com
Only a few samples up now but I think I make them pretty spiffy!
Thanks for reading and I'll be sure to post at check in!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So super lame they changed one of my classes from a comfy afternoon spot to an uber early 8:30 spot llaammmee! But it's okay I'm still excited! Marketing you and interactive learning sound super amazing!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hey Guys! I'm back with another Program! Vacation planning this time <3 Hopefully I'll be able to save enough this year to buy a car! I'll try to post more often! And regularly! Since I wont have a laptop this time! D: -gasp- I'll have more time to devote to my life! I'll keep you updated soon! I move in on the 29th!